A Rave from the Globe & Mail!

There is nothing like a rave from legendary reviewer Margaret Cannon to make my day! I was over the moon to see DON’T LOOK DOWN featured in Cannon’s latest column for The Globe & Mail, “Six New Mystery Novels to Cure the Isolation Blues.” Here’s a little bit of what she had to say about my latest novel:

Donʼt Look Down, the second novel in a series featuring NYPD police Sheryn Sterling and Rafael Mendoza, is a stunning trip through the Big Apple. Itʼs also a deftly plotted mystery that begins with blackmail and revenge… This is an excellent book with good characters and an fantastic plot, but what I loved were Davidsonʼs descriptions of New York.

If you’d like to read the full review — and the rest of the article — click here (it’s behind the Globe‘s paywall, so you need to be a subscriber). Thank you, Margaret Cannon!

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