Today’s the day! My sixth novel, DON’T LOOK DOWN, is out now from Thomas & Mercer. Technically, it’s the second book in my new Shadows of New York series, but I’ve written it to work as a standalone, so you can dive right in. If you really want to start with the first, ONE SMALL SACRIFICE is on sale in all formats right now.
I had the pleasure of launching DON’T LOOK DOWN at Toronto’s glorious Ben McNally Books last week. Remember when I said I wasn’t going to tour this time around? Apparently I lied. Here’s a list of where you can hear me speaking about DON’T LOOK DOWN:
Thursday, February 13th, 6:30pm: The US launch party at NYC’s Mysterious Bookshop. I’ll appear in conversation with Sarah Weinman, author of THE REAL LOLITA. There will be wine! (Free event, open to all.)
Friday, February 28th, 7pm: At Queens’ lovely Kew & Willow Books, I’ll appear in conversation with Alex Segura, author of MIAMI MIDNIGHT, and Nancy Bilyeau, author of DREAMLAND. (Free event, open to all.)
Wednesday, March 11th, 6:30pm: Only one bookstore has had me visit for each and every novel, and that’s Scottsdale’s legendary Poisoned Pen. I’m excited to be back yet again! (Free event, open to all.)
Thursday, March 12th-Sunday, March 15th: I have multiple events at Left Coast Crime in San Diego, but you’ll need to be registered for the conference to see me. I’ll be on two panels, including the notorious Sex Panel…
Saturday, March 21, 4pm: I’m excited to be part of the Virginia Festival of the Book this year. I’m on the “Dangerous Territories” panel with Don Bentley (WITHOUT SANCTION), Gabino Iglesias (editor, BOTH SIDES: AN ANTHOLOGY OF BORDER NOIR), Rip Rawlings (RED METAL), and moderator Steve Weddle (COUNTRY HARDBALL). Free event, open to all!
Enthusiastic reviews of DON’T LOOK DOWN keep coming in. If you want to keep track, I list them on this page. For now, I’ll quote from a particularly terrific one by critic and author Kerry Clare: “The writing was great, dialogue fun and snappy, and the pacing never missed a beat. Don’t Look Down was delightful, and everything I want in a read.”
DON’T LOOK DOWN is available everywhere now, including Amazon, Angus & Robertson, Barnes & Noble, Chapters/Indigo, Indiebound, Target, & Waterstones. If you’d like a signed copy of the book, please contact one of the stores where I’ll be appearing — the Mysterious Bookshop, Kew & Willow, and the Poisoned Pen would be happy to arrange for a personalized copy. Thanks for reading!