Where to Find Me at Left Coast Crime Vancouver
I’ve missed Left Coast Crime for the past couple of years, so I’m especially happy to be back this year (the fact it’s in Vancouver, one of the loveliest cities I’ve ever visited, was an added inducement to attend). Here’s where to find me:
Thursday, March 28, 7:30pm-9:30pm: Noir at the Bar, Left Coast Crime Edition. I’m reading with a noir crew including Blake Crouch, Kellye Garrett, Rob Hart, Vicki Delany, Dietrich Kalteis, Robin Burcell, Thomas Pluck, Sam Wiebe, Lisa Brackmann, Frank Zafiro, SJ Rozan. Come to the Regency C/D room at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. All welcome! (You don’t need to be registered for LCC to attend.) PS This will be my first public reading from my next book, ONE SMALL SACRIFICE.
Friday, March 29, 1:30pm-2:15pm: I’ll be on the “Writing Villains†panel with Meg Gardiner, David Housewright, Kim Moritsugu, and moderator Bharti Kirchner (Regency B). How did I end up on a panel about villains. Oh… riiiiiight…