Where to Find Me at ThrillerFest

Summer in New York isn’t my favorite season… but one thing I do love about it is Thrillerfest, which starts tonight at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. If you’re attending the conference, I hope you’ll hunt me down to say hello. Here’s where I’ll be:

Friday, July 10, 2015, 9am-9:50am: I’ll be on the panel “Grim, Menacing, or Flirty? The Thriller Tone” with Jenny Milchman (panel master), Cara Brookins, Julia Heaberlin, Shane Kuhn, Brenda Novak, and Thomas Waite. In the Carnegie/Alvin room.

Friday, July 10, 2015, 11:50am-12:15pm: I’ll be signing books at the ThrillerFest bookstore on the third floor of the Grand Hyatt. (Note to friends not registered for ThrillerFest: the temporary bookstore set up by Barnes & Noble is open to the public, so please feel free to drop in!)

Saturday, July 11, 2015, 7pm: I’ll be presenting the ITW award for Best Short Story at the Thriller Awards Banquet.

Sunday, July 12, Staten Island, 5:30pm: Noir at the Bar Staten Island at Flagship Brewery, 40 Minthorne St., Staten Island. To quote from the event flyer: “There will be beer. And books. And some dark and dangerous stories. This is not your knitting club’s literary event. Safety is not guaranteed. Leave the kids and pets at home for this one. Featuring stories by Rob Hart, Josh Bazell, Hilary Davidson, Todd Robinson, Eddie Joyce, and Terrence McCauley.” Free event, open to all. More details here.

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