Guest Editing at the National Post

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When the opportunity came up to guest edit the National Post‘s “Afterword” column, I immediately said yes. Just as quickly, I started wondering what the heck I would write about. I emailed Mark Medley, the Post‘s Books Editor, to ask for guidelines.

“You have complete leeway,” he answered. This was both thrilling and daunting. Thrilling, because what writer wouldn’t want to publish four columns in the venerable Post? Daunting, because I like to have some idea what I’m going to write before I sit down at my computer, and in this case, I had none.

Not that that stopped me. The posts went up this week, and Monday’s has the distinction of being one of the most contentious guest posts in the Afterword’s history. Here they are, in order of date published:

Monday, May 26: “Sorry, But Social Media Will Not Sell Your Book”

Tuesday, May 27:  “Marlon Brando, Dustin Hoffman, and Me”

Wednesday, May 28: “Heroes, Villains, and Shades of Gray”

Thursday, May 29: “The Conversation Every Author Dreads”

A huge thank you to Mark Medley for having me guest edit at the Post, and to Dan Wagstaff (my publicity rep at Raincoast Books, my Canadian distributor) for setting this up in the first place!

Photo above: At the Canadian launch party for BLOOD ALWAYS TELLS. From left to right: Hilary Davidson, Peter Robinson, and Mark Medley.


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