Pre-Order Contest for The Next One to Fall!

I’ve been promising you llamas for a while, and it’s time to deliver. I’ve learned from authors such as Duane Swierczynski and Alafair Burke that one of the kindest things you can do for a writer is to pre-order their next book. Every so often, someone will mention — usually via Twitter or Facebook — that they’ve pre-ordered THE NEXT ONE TO FALL. This news always makes my day, but there’s a practical reason I appreciate it, too. The print run of a book is determined, in part, by pre-orders. They also have an impact on booksellers’ willingness to stock a book. Erin Mitchell has written a terrific post about why pre-orders matter, and why they can really make a difference for an author.

I’d like to show my appreciation by paying some of that love forward. So, for every copy of THE NEXT ONE TO FALL you pre-order before the publication date (February 14, 2012) — and tell me about (details below) — I will donate a dollar to Heifer International. Why that charity? Heifer lets you “buy” llamas and alpacas for communities in need in countries such as Peru, where the novel is set. I can’t (legally) mail-order a llama to you, but we can make sure some communities in need get one.

I’ve also got prizes! When you pre-order THE NEXT ONE TO FALL, you’ll be eligible to win one of the following prizes:

  • A character name in my fourth novel, which will be published by Forge. I can’t promise whether you’ll be good or evil, but you (or a loved one) will be immortalized in print. And I’ll try not to kill you, fictionally speaking (no promises, though).
  • A collection of signed anthologies my short stories have appeared in, including THUGLIT PRESENTS BLOOD GUTS & WHISKEY, D*CKED, and A PRISONER OF MEMORY & 24 OF THE YEAR’S FINEST CRIME & MYSTERY STORIES.
  • A vintage silver pin, made in Peru, featuring — what else? — llamas! (You know how Lily Moore feels about vintage things.)

Still need to be persuaded to pre-order? Let Publishers Weekly talk you into it. Here’s what they had to say about THE NEXT ONE TO FALL: “Davidson’s exciting follow-up to her debut, 2010’s The Damage Done… The rich history and geography of Peru add depth to an engrossing mystery that constantly keeps the reader guessing.” You can also check out the advance praise the book has received from Laura Lippman, Meg Gardiner, and Reed Farrel Coleman.

It doesn’t matter whether you pre-order the book at a brick-and-mortar store or online (but check out the list of awesome indie stores I’ll be visiting on tour). Email a copy of your pre-order receipt, along with your mailing address, to preorder AT hilarydavidson DOT com. If you pre-order more than one copy of the book, be sure to let me know — not only will you have my undying gratitude, but you’ll get a contest entry for each copy you pre-order. To be eligible for a prize, you must have a mailing address in the US or Canada.

THE NEXT ONE TO FALL will be published in the US and Canada on February 14, 2012. I’ll be doing the prize draw that day, so get your pre-order emailed to me before then. Many, many thanks to everyone who takes part!

UPDATE: A few people have asked if the contest only applies to hardcover sales. It’s for pre-orders in all formats — hardcover, eBook, and audiobook!

4 Responses to “Pre-Order Contest for The Next One to Fall!”

  • Charlotte Morganti Says:

    Hi Hilary! What a great idea! I’m going to pre-order your book and I’ll be back to tell you about it. I hope you buy lots of llamas!

  • Hilary Says:

    Thanks so much, Charlotte! I hope so, too!

  • Kathleen A. Ryan Says:

    Happy New Year, Hilary!
    So much to look forward to ~ how exciting 2012 is going to be for you. Congratulations on the well-deserved praise for your talented work.
    My aunt has “bought” animals from Heifer Int’l, always in my brother’s memory. What a terrific program to support. I am certainly going to pre-order ~ and I hope to attend either your launch in NYC or visit you at Book Revue, or both 🙂
    What wonderful prizes you are offering ~ the winners will be very lucky, indeed! I will very happily spread the news via FB & Twitter.
    Wishing you all the best in 2012 ~ and you’re already off to a spectacular start!

  • Georges Says:

    Hilary just ordered ! I cant wait for Valentines Day because I know im going to fall in love with your new book !
    Too bad that hard copy will take a week to get to me … Guess thats the massacre part of Valentines Day for me this year !

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