Today’s the Day for Her Last Breath!


Welcome to the world, HER LAST BREATH!

There’s nothing quite like publication day. It’s Christmas and your birthday rolled into one, but with plenty of anxiety mixed in, because you worry about how your book will fare in the world. HER LAST BREATH had the good fortune to be picked for Amazon’s First Reads program in June, and if you take a look now, it has 7,900+ reviews. I am speechless.

Well, maybe not entirely speechless. My launch event with the Poisoned Pen last night was fantastic, and you can check it out for yourself (and order a signed book from the store—those are rare these days!). I did an Instagram Live interview with my friend and author Vanessa Lillie. If you’d like to hear me talk even more, there’s a new Speaking of Mysteries podcast, which has Nancie Clare interviewing me.

HER LAST BREATH is now available everywhere books are sold, including Amazon, Angus & Robertson, Barnes & Noble, Chapters/Indigo, Indiebound (for independent booksellers), Target, & Waterstones. If you’d like a signed copy, please contact the Poisoned Pen or Kew & Willow Books. If you’d like a signed bookplate, just shoot me an email.

Thanks, everyone, for all of your support. I couldn’t do this without you.

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